Sunday, July 25, 2010

Spots-Needs to go over night!?

i have a spot under my nose and i've had it for a week. its quite big and its squeezed and theres nothing in it so it's not a proper one but is there anything i can use to get rid of it overnight? PLEASE HELP!Spots-Needs to go over night!?
Okk.. well firstly I would say.. have hot bath or hold your head over some hot water... this will bring out all the unexpected spots that you may develop overnight and it will also deep cleanse your skin..then splash cold water over it to close up the pores tightly so nothing can get in them. Don't put any moisturiser over the spot yet.. the point here is to dry out the spot. Toothpaste.. as many people have mentioned is a great way to do this.. so put it on overnight. It does work. In the morn.. wash you face and then moisturise. The spot will not have gone.. it just wont do that and there is no way you can do that.. but it will have reduced significantly.

When applying makeup.. don't put any concealer on the head of the spot. Put it around the head.. were the redness is. You can use normal concealer.. but green tinted ones work best for redness. Then... dust over with powder. This will finish it and keep the spot covered up for a fair few hours more than it would without it.

By the way. If you hadn't have squeezed it.. then it may not have been so bad right now... in fact.. there is a chance you may scar from that.. so in future.. refrain from doing that and just ride it out.Spots-Needs to go over night!?
Put toothpaste on irr and leave irr overnight but put mousturizer on it as soon as you wake up in the morning cuz it dries your spots and then itll dry your skin if its on too long.
Dip a flanel or some kitchen roll into some salt water and rub on your face or spots, but keep doing it every ten mins for a while before you go to bed and make sure you put plenty on.

Hope this helps
tea tree oil and lots of it, on the spot

concealer to cover up the redness, or a green tinted something
place toothpaste on it and leave over night, this actually works!
I Wish!!!!!

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