Hi, i am 23 and still have spots :(
What causes it, should i wash my face everyday, i just wash when i remember, so is that the problem?. Or are spots caused by bad diet, i just get spots on my chin and i feel awkward about them. what can i do apart from a paper bag over my head!.Spots at 23??
drink LOTS of water.....believe me you'll notice the difference in just one week.. stay away from any 'white' food. like potatos, bread, refined sugar, salt..etc....there's a science behind this belief but i can't remember what it is...wash your face gently twice a day, and make sure to moisturize, and use sunblock.....be gentle with your skin, using harsh products will often times make things worst.. avoide touching your face as much as possible, try not to wear foundation cause it can block your pores and make more 'spots'..good luck honE!Spots at 23??
lots of water......agree with above said
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