Whereever you feel most comfortable. Get it where you want to get it, not where other people want you to get it.What is the best longterm spot for a tattoo?
Back or between your shoulder bladesWhat is the best longterm spot for a tattoo?
Anywhere is a great spot for a tattoo. It's your body, and you're choice as to where you choose to ink yourself.
Arms if you are a guy.
anywhere. these days you can get it lasered off if you dont want it anymore. and if you have the money.
that all depends on you....are you getting this tattoo for yourself or just because it looks cool? if it has true meaning to you then it won't matter where its at because its for YOU. i have mine on my back between my shoulder blades so my butterfly can keep pushing me forward. its not even in a place where i can see it but i know she's always there with me.
somewhere that doesnt see sun constantly or it will fade faster
I think it would be on your chest if u r a guy and on your lower back if u r a girl
lower back. that way when you're old and wrinkly/saggy no one will see it anyways (i hope)
or upper back if you're a guy
I would say any place than can be easily covered up....I love tattoos but do understand some of societies hang ups about tattoos and people who have them....I have 2 on my back....So I can cover them up or not...I feel like I don't get the artwork for other people I get it for me to know it's there and to see not for other people.
On someone else.
ummm ankle
If your a guy then the perfect place is on the arm.
Any place that can be covered with clothing if needed. I think upper arm for a guy and lower back for a girl (or hip bone). I just had my lips tatooed so I think that is great for a woman! (never need to wear lipstick again!)
the arms, somewhere on yo neck, and back
If your planning on a career, you might want to have the tattoo someplace where your employer won't be able to see it - shoulder blades, butt, leg, etc. Tattoos are permanent so choose wisely.
ur arm?
Nowhere. When u get old, ur skin gets saggy and it looks horrible. It only looks decent when u are young.
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