Monday, November 21, 2011

Spots from Makeup???????

I've recently started wearing more makeup then I usually do. Then, I got small to big spots on some of the areas on my face.... What's happening??Spots from Makeup???????
Well i find after a while of using one brand my skin retaliates against it and it won't apply very well. If you have oily skin you should go for a matt foundation or a powder-mineral is best. If you have dry skin you should go for a more liquid foundation to hydrate the skin. If this doesn't work i would consider changing brands. Another tip, never buy cheap makeup from a market etc. Most of these products have bacteria in them causing you to break out in spots. Always buy make up from proper beauty stores.

Also here is a daily beauty regime..

(I find the best make up removing products are number7 which you can get in a gentle range you sensative skin)

1.Cleanse your face with a cleanser and cotton wool pads

2.Wash your face with face wash

3.Rinse away with hot water

4.If you own a DAILY scrub use this (only if it's daily!)

5.Rinse with hot water

6.Use a toner and cotton pads to remove any excess dirt

7.Run a flannel under cold water then place it over your face for 3mins.

(also its a lie that toner closes your pores, only cold water does)

ALSO only scrub your face (if its not daily) twice a week maximum.Spots from Makeup???????
makeup covers your skin form sunlight and oxygen, this leads to your skin tone getting lighter and other skin conditions. makeup also mixes with the sweat in your pores, giving you nasty spots and blackheads. After about 6 months use of makeup your skin passes the barrier of no return and so you have to use more makeup to cover it, my advise to you is to stop using makeup NOW and to -

a) drink more water

b) clean your face with face wipes everyday

c) use something like 100% alova - this is great!

after a while your skin will become smooth and sexy and will not need any makup. hope this helps
By spots I am guessing you mean pimples?

If so, this is entirely normal. Makeup is bad for your skin, and can make you break out because it clogs your pores.

Check the makeup bottle to see if it says ';non comedogenic';, if it doesnt, that means that the makeup you have is more likely to give you breakouts and clog your pores.

Since you have sensitive skin that is prone to breaking out, you need to make sure the makeup you use is okay for your skin type, and preferrably oil free.

And the more you wear, the more it 'suffocates' your skin.

In all honesty though, I have never used any kind of makeup that didnt make me breakout, some just less than others.
well that's what too much makeup does unfortunately....keep your skin free from makeup until the spots go down. This is to allow your skin to breathe

drink a lot of water and just keep your skin healthy : eat fruit etc

always wash off your makeup before you go to bed because buildup of makeup resedue clogs pores leading to spots
if its acne, look on the container and see if it says that its non comedogenic. that means that it won't cause acne. if it doesn't look for one that does. if it's not acne, maybe you're allergic to some of the ingredients, so look for makeup that says its for sensitive skin.
I think that these spots are pimples forming. After you use make up, you should wash your face so that you don't get pimples. Maybe you are allergic to the make up and should try less.

Hope this helps!
maybe your skin is getting damaged from wearing too much makeup?

how old are you and when did you start wearing makeup?鈥?/a>
every night scrub your facee, so all your make up is of.

and put on 'Quinoderm cream 5 fof acne' even if you dont have acne, it works for me the spots go over night x

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