the spot are around my cheaks on my face, they are white and hurts when i scratch them. only way of me knowing to get rid is getting a nedil and poking them out and that hurts. what can i do that better?How do get rid of white milk spot off my face that are like little stones??
Do you have alot? if so see a dermatologist...If you have 2 or 3 as I do sometimes, I usually burn the end of the needle to prevent infection, then I prick it until I can squeeze the substance is nothing but a clogged oil gland...
Aren't they just too aggravating?
Oh after you prick to top layer of skin and get it out, dab some alcohol on it for further precaution against infection..How do get rid of white milk spot off my face that are like little stones??
Sounds like milia. Milia are small, white (or sometimes pale yellow) spots that usually appear around the eyes, on the cheeks and on the eyelids. No one really understands why they appear or why some people get them while others don't. You want to soak them in hot water and attempt to remove them with a sterile needle or scalpel or have them removed by a beautician.
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